If you have you cough that will not go. Do you often cough. You often do not have enough breath, especially when you are. Aggravation of many people with COPD attacks called
flash or (say
"egg-Zass-er-BAY-avoidance"). This is when the usual symptoms
deteriorate quickly, and stay worse. COPD flares can be dangerous, and you can >> << to go to the hospital. Coughing more than usual. Change the color or thickness >> << that mucus. More shortness of breath than usual
. These lasix 40 mg attacks often caused by infections, such as a-and air pollution. Using
doctor to make a plan. If you are ready, you can
get it under control. Try not
if you start there. Fast treatment at home can help you manage serious. Stages of COPD stage COPD
often determined based on your symptoms plus a measure of how well your work, your called "light". Next >>
<< symptoms lists
is a test result that shows how fast you can breathe air
easy. FEV1 means
e orced e xpiratory V olume in 1 second. FEV1 can be measured by machines
called (eg, "spy-RAW-SGA-terz"). Result of test
reported as a percentage of normal. In other words, FEV1 100% means
lungs are working normally, 80% less than normal, 30% is much less
than usual. Here's how the stage of COPD described >> << Global Initiative for Chronic, also known as
, mild COPD (stage 1) Usually, but not always, chronic cough, which often brings up
mucus from the lungs
moderate COPD (stage 2) Shortness of breath, especially during physical exercise
occasional severe COPD (stage 3) Repeated and sometimes severe very severe COPD (stage 4) Blue color especially on the lips, fingers and toes
(called cyanosis)
accumulation of fluid in the legs and (so-called life-threatening lung function FEV1 less than 30%, or less than 50% with
chronic respiratory failure (a condition caused by carbon dioxide, which remains in the lungs)
conditions with similar symptoms ... Some people with COPD may be too
But two
in a number of ways, including as
to you, when you get a disease and what causes the attack ....
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