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When it comes to thinking about bones, many people might well be on Mars. (Yes, we people, but we worry about how it is in life.) Most women bone savvy. They can put a tick or two order of osteoporosis, and if they had bone scans, it is on their radar. But on Mars, where almost half of all men the loss of bone mass scanning "optional." (Hey, this is not a disease osteoporosis women?) Recently, about 900 boys managed a tiny 6-question osteoporosis test - and 11% of them actually had a hip fracture! While the boys are living longer (cool), we also violation of the bones more as we age (not cool). Time to go to the defense: Screening should not be mandatory for people with risk factors, especially lasix 16 mg after 60 years or so. See your document if either of these describes you:
You were a smoker or more than one drink per day. Do you have eating disorder and very thin. You spent most of his life meeting. You have bone discharge drugs such as steroids, SSRI antidepressants and acid blockers. Do you have hyperthyroidism, Crohn's, Cushing's or celiac disease. () At the same time put the bones of steep guy mode: Eat high-calcium foods (green leafy vegetables like spinach). Take 600 mg calcium, 500 IU of vitamin D3, 200 mg of magnesium per day. Walk or jog 30 minutes a day. If your high blood pressure, get it down - 115/76 is optimal. () If you smoke, you are going to stop the
. We can help. Parole, it works. .
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